Questions & Answers with Paola Cianciullo
How does Cianciullo Marmi cope with the many changes in the operating environment?
I believe that today’s entrepreneurs need to focus increasingly on research to produce innovation. In general, the client is looking for innovation, and often proves to be more forward-looking than the entrepreneur himself. Today’s clients are certainly more knowledgeable, and are often impatient as well; they want information and services as quickly as possible.
What are the new development trends?
Current thinking is directing more attention towards target markets, using purchasing dynamics to guide a sales policy built on actions and results. Our commercial department focuses on identifying new segments in the international market, and developing these to compensate for any fall in domestic demand.
Do you see the virtual network as playing a part, and how?
Our target customer gets his information through reports of other people’s experiences, and increasingly through searching on the internet. We have a presence on the web and on social media. We have just launched a new site.
What are the objectives of this new site?
Our web project has involved us for a long time; the aims are to support our corporate identity online, and to show ourselves more sensitive to the needs of our stakeholders, creating a community around our company through an increase in interaction.
What are the main features of this new site?
It’s wholly reliable in terms of both public and restricted content. It’s an international site, and suited to the needs of countries that require quality, knowledge and a customised response. It is also dynamic, with interactive boxes and news highlights. And, above all, it provides clear, accurate information about our products and services.
How does Cianciullo Marmi interact on social networks?
Social networks are a way of attracting target users to our website. From 2014 to 2015, our social network users increased by 22%; from 2015 to 2016 they grew by a further 10%. Social media are a channel for communicating our identity and creating a real community. They allow us to carry out statistical research into users’ behaviour. We are firm believers in online cross-pollination.
What goals have you set for web interaction?
Firstly, we want greater exposure for our brand. We want to promote loyalty in our target audience, and to increase awareness and knowledge of our product and its processes, growing in a consensual way to increase interaction.
What in your view have been the critical factors in Cianciullo’s success?
Our competitive advantage lies in our products, in design, in quality, in our professionalism and the way we coordinate our work, in our history, and in our after sales service: these are all crucial factors for competing on international markets
What are the impending threats on the market?
Competition on the market has resulted in a high level of fragmentation: in these circumstances it is difficult to identify our direct competitors. The offer on both the domestic and global markets is very fragmented and confused.
What are the opportunities?
The contract is the only sales method able to provide impetus to the industry, thanks to projects related to revitalising tourism, trade and catering. Exposure to international markets is vital to keep our companies alive and growing.
As a fourth-generation entrepreneur, what message would you like to give to young people wanting to go into business?
Being an entrepreneur – whether we’re talking of today, yesterday or tomorrow – means developing a culture of courage, risk, enterprise and merit, and then enjoying the satisfaction of having created something of your own. I tell young people to be enterprising and to nourish their dreams with knowledge.